Sum tagged me to brag about my spouse. Maybe everyone is tired of hearing about the 1 year old.
What's his name? Gage Ray, or Rager to his sister
How long have you been together? 7 years since we first

met, married 6 1/2 years
How long did you date? 6 1/2 mos.
How old is he? 28, a respectable 2 year age difference
Who eats more? Depends on the food. He's more of a snacker, so I have been known to eat more at mealtime.
Who is taller? Well, that would be pretty rare if I found one shorter! (although it's been done) He is taller than me by over 7" No need to fret about heels here. (Because I'm always wearing huge heels, oh wait, could you even envision me trying to walk in those!)

Who said 'I love you' first? Me, and he didn't say it back.
Who does the laundry? I do.
Who does the dishes? He does them a lot more on the weekends, but usually me. Before we had a dishwasher, nobody. We were terrible at letting them pile up until we ran out of dishes.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me. We have switched off occasionally to make things more convenient for kids and such. Neither of us

really care much.
Who pays the bills? Him. (Hey, he's an ACCOUNTANT, what do you expect?)
Who mows the lawn? Mostly Gage. I will do it about every 4th time, but it's hard to do with the kids following me. I do a lot of the other yard stuff while he mows.
Who cooks dinner? I do about 85% of the

time. There are certain things he's better at. He would like to cook more often, but it's just not practical with work.
Who sings better? Now, how am I supposed to answer that one? We both really enjoy singing and have talent in that area, so I'll just say I'm a better alto, and he's a better bass.
Who drives when you are together? Gage, there are rare exceptions, but when it's dark, nobody trusts my lack of depth perception. Of COURSE, he is a MUCH better driver than me. :) (he is a man)
Who is more stubborn? This is a toss up. He'd say me and I'd say him, but that's just because we're being stubborn. I'd say we're pretty evenly matched, and that's saying a lot. It's just a good thing we agree o

n the important stuff.
Who is smarter? There are many different types of intelligence, but I have to say I married one smart guy!
Who kissed who first? Well, we kissed each other, so it's hard to say. It was sort of a mutual thing. Oh, I don't really remember, it was really late.
Who asked who out first? I asked him out. He was sort of dating my roomate at the time, and I was playing matchmaker with another couple. I needed someone to go with so they'd have somebody they knew to double with them, and so I asked Gage. I felt comfortable asking him

because he was already hanging around our apartment. If it weren't for this, I would have been way too shy to ask out a guy I liked.
Who proposed? Gage. I was blowdrying my hair in my room, getting ready to go see Collective Soul that night, and he brought in his guitar and sang a "proposal" song he'd written and gave me a ring. Love, right there next to the anti-frizz gel and unmade bed.
Who is more sensitive? I really don't know. It depends on the thing. Probably me, he's the youngest of 6 and I'm the oldest.
Who has more friends? Me, for sure.

Who has more siblings? Him, by 2
Who wears the pants in the family? Him. We argue until we agree, and whoever has the strongest argument usually convinces the other person. I do let him direct things that he should, though. It will be interesting to see what he says.
Now it's your turn to brag....I tag anyone who wants to participate!