If you've ever been to my house (the current one) the boys drag you downstairs first thing after walking in the door. For some reason, they think this is the must-see part of the house. Our basement is 1/2 of our square footage, but is unfinished. We still use it anyway but it is not by any means the first thing I would choose to show off.
The other day our friends gave us a large piece of carpet from their soon-to-be-finished basement and the DH put it down. (thanks guys!) Yesterday I re-organized the "family room" and stapled some fabric to the wall over the insulation I'd been worried some kid might decide to eat.
So, here I am dragging you down to look at my basement.

The "TV" area and our food storage room (stay away from the buckets of wheat)

The play area, with the dress-ups moved to a much better location than they were before

The fabric I stapled up to shield from the insulation.

I didn't do much new with our schoolroom besides put bigger rugs in and clean the floor. Can you believe that it costs nothing to go to this school? You may NOT believe it, it looks so fancy!

This is my sewing area- the thing I am grateful for today. I love having this much workspace! I just hope it isn't too cold in the winter. We'll see.