It's back to Epcot, but for once, not so early. It was a "sleep in" day. I put this in quotes for those of you who understand having a 2 and a 3 year old. Our family got a little of a head start and got there shortly after 9, which was nice. We had breakfast at our resort, the boys loved the mickey waffles. We headed for the character picture place, since we really hadn't made time for anything like that yet.

They got to meet some of the characters, get some photos, and then explore some of the buildings that had fun displays and such. E loved the frog he got to make at the velcro exhibit.

We met up with the rest at Spaceship Earth, which is the ride that's in the "Ball" at Epcot. They recently redid it and it was really fun. I'm glad we went. Then we headed to Journey Into the Imagination with Figment.

My kids liked it, but the brothers deemed it the "worst ride you could possibly imagine."

The next stop was way more popular: Club Cool. This is the place (much like the coke place in Vegas) where you can taste different kids of Coke from around the world. Very air-conditioned as well, we almost didn't want to leave. I think that's the last thing we did before starting around the World Showcase.
World Showcase is representations of several different countries, some with rides, some films, lots of shops, restaurants, etc... I believe the countries themselves designed and decided what would be there. They have representatives from those countries to work there. I didn't include these, but my dad took a picture of every single one that stamped and signed his passport that he got.

Anyway, we started with Mexico, on to Norway, China, Germany, Italy, Morocco, America, Japan, France, England, and Canada. Mom got a cool cuckoo clock in Germany, and a lot of small souvineers were bought all around. The boys made masks which they collected "charms" for at each country and got a stamp on it as well. This, along with the pressed pennies, is what the boys did to remain entertained much of the time.

We had lunch and snacks at various places and ended up in Canada, where we ate at Le Cellier, which was an amazing steakhouse that was probably a favorite of the trip. It had better be, I had to make those reservations more than six months ahead, and was hard pressed to get them even then.

After the dinner, it was late and we headed over to a spot to watch the fireworks show, Illuminations. I didn't pick a great spot, and it was hard to see the globe in the middle where they were projecting images. My siblings went to shop some more but we watched with mom and dad, then made our way, very exhausted, back to the resort.

This day was a favorite for almost everyone, I believe. I would LOVE to go again without kids, which sounds mean, but it was hard trying to get them to nap in their strollers, no break from the heat and walking, and I had to carry/hold E for quite a while because he didn't feel well. I still loved it though, even though it's not real traveling, and so cheesy, it was fun. I think the relaxed pace, catching the entertainment when we could, getting to shop a lot, was a nice change from the rides.
If I could reccomend which attractions to see there, it would be Norway's ride, France's Film, and some of the street performers (Off Kilter in Canada, comedy acts in Italy and France) I was less than impressed with the show in America, Canada's film, and the drums in Japan weren't my favorite. Fun place, but definately you need to get there at 11 when it opens and stay until 9 when it closes. We still missed a lot and rushed through some. I can't imagine trying to do it faster.
PS- Sorry there's so many pictures, I just had to narrow it down from a few hundred of this day and it was hard.