So, I've been crazy this month so I'll just have to do a big sum up. October has been busy, and crazy. I cut my thumb open on a can lid and had stitches for a while, so it was hard to type and thus the lack of blogging. We have had our Primary Program at Church, which went well. M still tells his part to people at the store, he's so proud of having memorized it so well. The kids sang really well, and I found out how DRY your mouth can get when you're just mouthing words, but not singing. Those fake singers (lip sync-ers, whatever) must take a lot of drinks! Anyway, here's some stuff we did: (sorry the formatting is weird)

Day of the Program

Ward Party

Pumpkin Cheesecake
Ward Party Pirate
Ride with a Witch at Gardner Village
Thumb 1 week after stitches
Choosing Pumpkins at J&J
Discovery Gateway
Riding Bikes
The Zoo
Carving Pumpkins for FHE

For a preschool field trip, we went to a farm, where we read pumpkin stories, painted pumpkins, ran in a hay maze, talked to "tumbleweed," and ate a dessert "pumpkin patch"
Your October looks a lot like mine (especially the zoo part) I am so sorry about your injury, but I am glad that you are recovered and back to blogging. I missed your blogs and funny comments.
I like the pumpkin with the eye patch the best. That's very clever! Huge bummer about your thumb. You don't even realize how much you hit it until it's hurt. Hopefully it's feeling better now.
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