A messy time was had by all! We had M's "friend" birthday party yesterday, and it was a lot of fun. The weather was perfect and we got about 9 or 10 kids there. We first did our messy "stations," which were:
Painting the house with shaving cream and paint brushes
Cornstarch-water "goo" in pie tins
Pudding/chocolate syrup painting on parchment sheets
Water balloons
Speghetti fight (this was possibly the hit)
Then we ate a finger-food lunch, then we decorated cookies with gummy worms, sweettarts, m & m's, and sprinkles. This was instead of a cake.
After presents, M handed each child a candy necklace and they went home.
The cleanup wasn't that bad, I had the kids play a "game" of picking up the balloon pieces, and the rest was hosed off. (thanks mom!)
Thanks to everyone who participated, it was fun!
I can't post pictures now, it won't let me, but I'll try later.