It's been a crazy week! I have been trying to do a ton of stuff for my church callings, pack for Boise, and just the usual yard frustration. All of this was on top of a bunch of testing for E. He has now had his blood drawn 4 times, the poor guy. After 3 Dr. visits and 3 hospital visits, I think they've ruled out anything serious. I hate going through all that for really no reason, but obviously am glad that it isn't anything serious.
After a routine anemia test at his 12mo. appt. they got weird results so we've had to keep going back to get more blood draws. During all this, our insurance changed, so we had to switch to another hospital to do it again. For awhile they thought he had a weird auto-immune disorder and had to get his spleen removed. On Wed, we went to Primary Children's to see a hemotoligist there and (of course) it was pouring that day and their basement flooded and shorted out all the power. So after taking the stairs up to the top in the dark, we saw a doctor in the dark and he had more blood drawn. We were supposed to find out that day right away, but of course they couldn't run their microscope with no power, so we've been trying to get all the results by phone. Still haven't heard the final diagnosis, but it has something to do with him having high fetal hemoglobins (like at a 2-3 month old level) and he will probably always be anemic. His Iron levels, however, look great, so no amount of supplementation in his diet will help. Anyway, I have been pretty stressed trying to coordinate everything but I think we're fine. Well, actually he's sick now and just cut his toe, but whatever.
Sorry for the novel, you ever just have one of those weeks? I am looking forward to spending some time in Boise. I am going to try and relax for at least 20 minutes. Wish me luck!