Tuesday, June 19, 2007


So the Hemotologist was out of town, but got back to my Dr. today. She called and said that E has TEC and will need to get blood drawn & tested every 2 weeks starting Thursday. If his levels still aren't up by the end of July, he will need to start getting blood transfusions every so often until the TEC clears up. TEC is a temporary condition where the body stops creating blood cells. Usually this is detected because the child is unusually pale and tired. I don't think I ever would have taken him in because of those things, because he doesn't seem too tired to me and if pale is a symptom, we would have a hard time telling the difference there.

Anyway, I still have to learn more, then on Friday if I have questions my Dr. will try to get me some more information. Let's just hope he recovers on his own before we have to go transfusing anything. If not, I suppose he'll be okay either way now that we know.

He sure is a sweet little guy and I know he'll be okay, it's just hard to have to teke him for so many blood draws all the time!

Keep him in your prayers and I'll keep you all posted.

Info here, http://www.drgreene.org/body.cfm?id=21&action=detail&ref=808


Sam said...

Gosh - sorry you (and especially Ezra!) are having to go through this! Hope the little guy recovers soon.

Lucy van Pelt said...

I have to say that regular blood draws don't sound like any fun at all. Hopefully it's a quick recovery and you don't have to do too many. My prayers are with you.

Damitz Family said...

Definitely in my prayers. I hope you both survive the blood draws.

I guess I'll get to see you more on Friday!