I don't know how this gets so out of control. First you tell them they can only have a party where they invite friends every other year. So on the off years it's family only. But you still want to celebrate with family on the "party" years. More and more celebrations and it turns the kid's head into a hot-air balloon. It's crazy but a ton of fun- we all want to spoil our kids, right?
So we had a party with family a bit before the real birthday and it was a surprise theme for M. He LOVES anything to do with ancient Egypt, so DH and I made him a pyramid cake and put some of his Playmobil guys on it to jazz it up. He got Egypt-themed books, a pith helmet, and an awesome Playmobil pyramid and accessories that (shhh!) we found for a tiny fraction of the regular price because they were display items at one of our favorite toy stores. Score! Now we can discuss the details of mummification even more (yay!)

For the morning of his real birthday- I made a fishbowl cake out of leftover batter from cupcakes and we had a little breakfast and he opened his watch from Daddy which he proudly wears every day. I can't say he was AS excited about the homemade PJ's I gave him, but who can compete with a LEGO Star Wars watch?

Later on the day of his birthday- it was time for the backwards party he had prepared for and anticipated for a LONG time. He had a blast coloring the invitations that guests had to read in the mirror. He made an exit sign for the front door and we hung balloons upside down from the ceiling. He greeted them with a "goodbye, thanks for coming" as he handed them their goody bag. We played pin the donkey on the tail (the "winner" being the person farthest from the tail) then opened gifts, some of which were written on backwards or wrapped in inside-out wrapping paper. He was now super-spoiled and rich in Legos, dress-ups, and other awesome toys 6 year olds love. We ate dessert first- which was cake in ice-cream cones, after singing "you to birthday happy" and watching M light the candle. Dinner was upside-down pizza eaten backwards and under the table, followed by "green-light, red-light," a backwards dress-up relay, cold potato, goose-goose-duck, and an over-the-shoulder beanbag toss. Awards were given for the best backwards-dressed boy and girl and he welcomed them as they left. It was fun and totally the type of cheesy humor that kids that age enjoy so much.

Anyway, it was quite the several days of celebrating and the boys have had a great time talking about the party and playing together with the new toys.