We could really use some prayers/good thoughts right now if you have any to spare!
I didn't post about our most recent offer so as not to jinx it, but it fell through today so I guess it doesn't jinx it. We are really discouraged, as we are doing everything we can to cooperate and be generous for all these buyers. They even got as far as an appraisal- which went well- it appraised for more than we asked, but in the end they decided to get a fixer upper instead.
So we've been way sick on top of all this- all four of us, but mostly me, how annoying! I went to a Dr. finally who thought I had a bunch of infections- in my ears, lungs, throat, and sinuses. I am on antibiotics but so far am not any better. Luckily, DH is feeling better after a few days off work and has been SUCH a huge help - thank you honey! E is mostly over it, and M just started last night, and with his asthma, I am concerned, but we're keeping on top of it.
As for the good news- we have a showing tomorrow morning. So, hold a good thought for this one- I don't even think they are FHA, which would be a first.
If we don't go under contract soon- we will lose the house we're trying to buy and I don't know if we will move at all- so I am just hoping like crazy this happens soon!
Another BIG thanks to my parents for bringing me some oils and a diffuser and to Shelly for taking M yesterday when he was SO bored!