On Monday, after the bed errands were done, we had our 4th monthly disney party at my parents. We ate fish & chips & smores and watched Peter Pan. This is a group shot of us "being pirates" If you look close, you can see my dad has donned an earring for the occasion.
Also, I just want to say that my last post referred primarily to people having a normal, low-risk pregnancy. I cannot stress enough how grateful I am that we have doctors and hospitals for people at risk, with problems, sick, etc... Many of my friends and family have been saved by the life-saving technology and expertise found at hospitals. In the documentary I mentioned, the producer, who planned a homebirth, had a c-section and a premature baby in the end, so it doesn't just show the one side, and I'm sorry if I discounted the importance of birth interventions for those who need them.
cute bed!
ps. I've been going through old home videos (a project for Father's day) and finding some great stuff from HS, man were we cool! :)
That is so great that they are now in bunk beds, it looks great. I didn't know you had such a busy weekend! I really hope it helps E sleep through the night, I can't even imagine.
I hope I didn't make you feel bad about your last post, I was worried when I went to bed about my comment. I want you to know I really appreciate your opinions.
The Disney party looked like fun, what a great family you have!
Fun big boy beds. You always have such fun party ideas. I bet M loved the pirate theme.
Ahoy there, me hardies! You guys look like you have so much fun :)
The boys room looks awesome. Are they loving it still?
2 things-
I LOVE the red walls in the boys room. . .of course I do!
I also LOVE the quilt on E's bed! That's so great that he is sleeping through the night!
When do you take your much anticipated "Disney" vacation?
What a fun party!
Disney World is in Sept. so still awhile away but you have to plan these things in advance you know :)
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