He normally will sleep from 9pm until 7:30 or so (waking at some point to get in bed with us- no clue when since it doesn't wake us) and then takes a nap from 12:30-2 or later. Today I finally got him to sleep by 3:15 by driving him around. (Long after M had woken up, so no little break today) I hate driving kids around to get them to sleep. I am usually not that indulgent, and it's expensive and horrible for the air we breathe. I cannot even entertain the idea that he is giving up a nap. M still has one every day and NEEDS it, so his little brother can't be done yet! He's not even 2.
I cannot be a loving and patient mom 24hrs/day. I need that 1 hour to make it only 23, which is more bearable for some reason. We are not functioning properly. That's why the rambled rant, sorry.
I'm so sorry...I feel for you, I really do. No one should have to deal with kids 24 hours a day. I hope it's just a phase and you have 2 sleepers again soon!
Don't get too discouraged, K is doing the same thing, and D only takes naps every couple of days. K is finally getting back into her grove though, I think the change in the time affects them more than we think.
I feel for you, hang in there. And that picture is so sweet.
At least you got a sweet picture out of it. I'm SO sorry! I dread the day when kids stop napping. It's necessary for Mom's sanity and kids' survival. I LIVE for Quiet Time. I don't care if they sleep or not, they just have to leave me alone for at least an hour!
I hope he's just a little off his routine and starts napping again for you!
oh look at those sweet baby boys~
It MUST be the 2 year old stage. Gavin has started doing the SAME thing. I also tried to blame it on Grandma (and the trip to Idaho) but we have been home for long enough for him to get into his routine again!
One thing that helped me was to skip his nap for 2 days and put him to bed earlier. It sort of re-set his system. Maybe you can try that.
I FELL for ya Kinz!
I'm so there. I feel like the absolute worst torture for me would be sleep deprivation. If anyone ever wanted to get anything out of me, just keep me up 2 hrs past bedtime, and I'll squeal.
Adam has learned this trick, although I'm not sure what he's trying to get out of me...I wish I knew so we could all get some sleep! He's only 10 months and he sleeps less during his 2 naps in the day than Kam does in one. I am so grateful for at least one good sleeper.
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