Monday, July 16, 2007

Pretend Kitchen

So I finally got around to painting the pretend kitchen pieces we have collected from the DI. They are all set up in our dining room and I got some little place settings and cookware at IKEA the other day to go with all the random food we have. It is really cute and the boys love it! It is hot, but today is not sunny so the boys have enjoyed playing outside and I have weeded a lot.

In other news, E is now 15 mos. I can't believe it! Here is his picture with George to commemorate the occasion.


annzy said...

All of the pretend food is going to go bad because there is no pretend fridge ~I guess those boys better eat up fast.

Natasha said...

I thought E was a lot older than that! In his pics he looks so grown up!
Great job on the kitchen! it looks adorable!

Damitz Family said...

Those look great!

Your boys are so cute, ya know. We love seeing you!