Thursday, July 14, 2011

take me out to the (t) ballgame!

I just realized that the last time I posted a "what we're up to" type of post, it was about Easter Weekend. Yikes! I will attempt in my few snippets of free time to at least post some of the highlights of the past 4 mos. So here goes......

T-Ball! Hilarious to watch. This year the boys participated on the same team. M's 3rd year playing T-Ball and E's first. They had a great coach that really focused on making it fun for the boys. They looked sharp in their red "Angels" uniforms and we had fun sitting with friends every Monday and Wednesday night for a few months to watch. We had something like 5 or 6 games rained out so the season lasted even longer than anticipated. They had fun and next year we plan on putting them on the same team again in the coach pitch league.

Also, I think DH did an awesome job on these pictures!

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