Saturday, August 1, 2009


The kids have been pretty spoiled lately by their Grandma and Grandpa. Last week Grandma sat through G-Force with them at the theater, and took us swimming at her local pool.

Today was a really fun surprise.

Grandma came over this morning and surprised the boys with these:
Then they went to do this:

At this place:And we came home with these for Sunday dinner:

I was spoiled too. Last week I had one of these:

Complete with one of these:

And some of these:

Along with 2 lunches with friends and an out-for-yogurt. It's been a great spoiled week, thanks everyone!


Mariam said...

Looks like so much fun. Your kids are lucky to have such awesome grandparents, and so many others who love them so much.

Happy birthday. It looks like it was fun. I have to say I never noticed that all three of you girls have the same toes. You have familial feet.

Katie said...

Happy Birthday Kinz! Next time we are in town, we'll have to play Puerto Rico. It is one of our favorites.

Summer said...

Name the night and we're coming over to play! Also, I ran into Bek at the store and we're coming to your house (I volunteered you, aren't I nice?) for sprinklers next week (or maybe the next, whatever works for you. We really can do my house, I'm not going to be that pushy :)

Christine said...

Happy birthday! I'm so glad you've been spoiled, it all looks so fun!!!

Hey, are you guys in the mood for fresh tomatoes? It looks like we're going to have plenty by the end of next week :)