Today was our first official day of school. Here we are on the porch before getting started.

This is the schoolroom our mom set up in the basement for us.

After some name-game songs and opening up our schoolhouses to start the day, we practiced tracing our full names.

After that, we had 2 minutes to find 3 things in the basement that start with the same letter as our names.

For our lesson, we learned about the origins of names, family crests, and looked up the meanings of all 3 of our names! We got to make our own crest where we drew pictures of each of the meanings of the names.

I drew a soldier, a deer lover, and a bright sun.

E drew himself helping rake the yard, a knight's shield and helmet, and a bright sun. Then it was time for us to pick something from one of the "stations" set up in the school to do. I worked on a collage, and E played with dominoes.

For snack time, we got to make our letters out of strips of cheese. Yum!

Recess at the park ended our school day. I can't wait until tomorrow's school!