Yeah, I'm just getting to that now. I'm sure most of you have, by now, forgotten about Memorial Weekend altogether. Since then, my kids were sick with some sort of gross thing probably caught at a local pool. Needless to say, I have spent my last while doing amazing amounts of laundry and buying pull-ups and Pedialyte. Enough said.
So, Memorial Weekend we got to hang out with my Aunt and Uncle and cousins from Olympia whom we haven't seen in quite a while. When we lived in WA, we saw them all the time, so it's weird that it had been so long. We had a cookout on Friday night, then breakfast on Saturday. After breakfast, we headed up to Park City where everyone (except me- I opted out) rode the Alpine Slide. It was the first time for most and they really liked it. We had a picnic at the city park, which has a really cool playground. Shopping on Main St. was cut short mostly due to pouring rain.

We went back to SL, where we met Aunty Ann for some baby shopping (we got a clip-on high chair for nameless one) and a nice dinner at the Dodo in Sugarhouse. The kids were pretty beat by the end of all this, but still wanted to go to the ward swimming party. We rushed home, changed them into their suits, and got there right as it started. It was that night, a few hours after they got to bed, that all the mayhem began. DH taught EQ the next day, so I had to scramble and get a sub (for the second week in a row) for my assignments that day so I could stay home to do said laundry.
By the next day (Monday) we decided M was okay to go to the graduation for our preschool (which was at our house) We spent pretty much the whole day cleaning the house and getting balloons and such ready for the graduation. I made a video of their school year (we moms took a lot of pictures- how convenient!) and we watched that, did the whole hat/certificate thing, and enjoyed a Sundae bar. Unfortunately, the one girl in their class got stuck camping and couldn't make it. E was sadly trucked off to Grandma and Grandpas house to be sick over there so we didn't infect anyone. It was a fun night.

(I think H, the middle boy, learned a few poses from some teenage girls or something, he kept looking over his shoulder like that and making serious faces just like I've seen my sister do!)

It took the boys really the rest of the week to begin eating again, and E lost a lot of weight and was easier to carry around for a bit. He is now back to eating during all waking hours like normal. This past weekend, we worked a lot on the yard, getting bark and flowers in and chopping down 3 cottonwoods and buying a peach tree. Someday our yard will be much more how we like it!
I had to include this, although it has nothing to do with anything. E was watching me get dressed this morning and when I had on my panel pants, but no shirt he asked what that dark thing was on my belly. I told him it was a special stretchy part of my pants so my belly could grow. He said "For my next birthday, I would like some kids sized ones of those." When I asked him why he replied, "Because then everyone would think I was so funny, mommy." M has said a lot of really funny things lately, but I have been forgetting to write them down, and darn if my pregnant brain can remember anything at all these days!