Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Birthday E!

I can't believe he's already 3, where has the time gone?

The birthday has gone on for a long time, starting last Saturday with a "Ball Party" at Grammy & Pops' complete with cousins, a cake featuring a baseball, basketball, and football, games, pizza, and lots of fun gifts. Grammy gave him a beautiful elephant quilt and a cool dinosaur, he got a book, shirt, truck, and giant water spraying ball from Aunty And.

Yesterday after the egg hunt we had a cake for him at Grandma & Grandpa's and he got a scooter from them, as well as weapons from uncle Che and a "magnetfying glass" from Aunt Whit.

This morning we had the traditional cake for breakfast and he got a book from M and a pirate ship from me and DH. It is a huge hit, and he's had fun with it all day. He has requested to go to McDonalds for dinner, so we'll do that.

Happy Birthday little guy.

Again, I want to post pics, but it won't let me.

1 comment:

Mariam said...

Happy Birthday E!!!