Enter Exhibit B of the Christmas Presents: (Ex. A being the sewing machine- remember?)
Doorway Puppet Theatre (stop telling me this is spelled wrong, google, I like it with a re, it's so much more theatrical)
We (DH and I) were delighted with tonight's performance of "The Frightened Bears" as I'm sure you all will be momentarily. Starring as the singer, composer, producer, and orange alien puppet is M, and if you will notice, pink alien puppet in the background, also providing vocal backup mumblings, is E. So, without further adieu, "The Frightened Bears:"
Side note: Can I brag (or as DH terms it when it's posted here "brog") for a minute that I think it's so cool that my 4 year old knows that when something is frightening you should sing it in a minor key? Yeah, that's cool.
That's pretty good composition for a four year old! Plus it's stinking cute.
I'm so impressed! That takes mad skilz to do stuff like that and he's picked it up so well.
And I love the doorway theatre. That's awesome! I didn't even notice the spelling since that's how we did it in Canada. I guess I'm a little bi-cultural with my spelling.
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