Big news- E is toilet trained (at least in the day) He did this of his own accord, and ON our trip! DH and I decided we deserved something with him to be easy, since he still doesn't sleep all night and is crazy hyper. Anyway, here's a cute undies only shot of him playing trucks.
My older son has now been 4 for a whole week! Happy late birthday M. He had a bash like no other with a pirate theme. A great time was had by all. We ate a treasure chest and dug for pirate treasure in the sand.
We are still working on learning to conquer the fear of the 2-wheeler. He will ride it, but if there's even the SLIGHTEST hint of an angle downhill, he freaks and stops. I took him for his checkup, and was really surprised that he is in the 75th per. for weight. He looks so skinny, esp. next to E. He's still 50th for height, as he's been pretty much since 6 mos. Maybe he's putting on weight to get ready to shoot up again.
We went to the Gateway a few days after we got back from our trip and saw the Circus Parade. It was fun.
Other than those, I've been really busy with the Primary Program coming up, preschool was here last week, M's party, some family stuff, and we're all sick, or have been sick, this past several days. I'll try to keep going on the trip as I get time. I don't know if you want all those details about our trip, but it's like a journal for me, so that's why it's kinda long.
So...when do you think you will slow down. Whew, sounds busy, but really fun.
Yah for E, and Horah for M.
Yay for potty trained!
The party was so fun! Thanks!
yeah for E! and loved the party, LOVED that cake, and I'm loving being able to catch up on your trip...and I'm quite jealous. sounds way fun.
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