Friday, May 23, 2008


I feel like I don't have anything to blog about. I have for some reason gotten really self-conscious of what people are reading vs. what I meant to write, kwim? I have been really busy lately though. We spent another fun-filled (not) day at Primary Children's this week with E. (See DH's blog) I went to an assembly that my brother was in charge of (he's Sr. Class Pres. @ Davis) today and he did a good job, it was funny. We went to the Aviary earlier this week with Grandma. My sis. moved to SLC and we've been to see her apartment. Playgroup at the Fire Station today. Tonight we watched 5 boys for our date night co-op. You know, the usual mommy stuff.

Also, I am on a search for a new pair of glasses, (My eyes have continued to worsen) but can't find anything I like and have checked like 10 places. I think I'm just REALLY out of style all the time with my taste. A salesperson today told me that my current glasses are totally wrong for my face. So apparently I look bad all the time and know nothing. It's frustrating and I wish I wasn't getting so increasingly blind and didn't have to wear glasses.

So I usually don't post many crafts on my blog. It's not for lack of examples, but I just think people don't like my taste/I don't want to seem like I'm bragging or something. BUT, I worked really hard on finding a design/pattern that I liked for this year's diaper bag, (current model is literally threadbare) so here it is, finished this morning:

The birds represent me, M (blue), and E (red) The boys helped a bit and were really proud to be "featured" on the bag.
Also, my son has reached his I'm-almost-4-and-I'm-such-a-dork stage. Check out the outfit he put together this morning (5 minutes before we needed to be out the door) I am changing from mom-who-encourages-child's-creativity-by-letting-them-dress-and-express-themselves to mom-who's-child-has-gotten-so-creative-it's-bordering-on-inappropriate-and-so-censoring-is-in-order mom.


shelly said...

I can't believe you are feeling self conscious about your blog--I love what you have to say and seeing pictures of your cute fam!
I LOVE your new diaper bag, it is so darling. I guess I'm a crafter want-to-be. You really should feel more proud of yourself, there's not many people that can do all you do.
Love the creative outfit, you're A LOT more patient than I am. We get dressed once and that's that.

allie said...

I love the bag, ADORABLE! Thanks for watching the boys tonight. Sorry E had to get more testing done, that sounds awful.

Jessica said...

Hi McKinsey,

I have been blog stalking after I linked to you from Allie. After reading your post I have to tell you that you are an amazing "crafter" (is that even the right word?) That diaper bag is amazing, I love the colors and I love the birds. I don't think you should be worried about bragging or being self-conscious about what you write. It is your blog and if people don't like it they don't have to read it. But I know what you mean, I totally over analyze mine too but then I have to remind myself not to care and do what I want. I think you should show more of your crafts, I like to see what people make and then it makes me want to try new stuff.

Sorry this was so long I just wanted to tell you that you have a really cute blog.


Jessie said...

i'm placing an order for my next diaper bag, okay?

and yes, write away! we will listen and we will love it.

Natasha said...

I love the bag! I think you should post ALL of your crafts

Lucy van Pelt said...

You have me laughing out loud at the comment about the boy dressing himself. Too funny! And I love the bag you made. It's fabulous! And you should always post your crafts. It's what you're doing. That's what you're supposed to blog about.

Mariam said...

M has such a great look. Just wait, it will be so in next season.

boisegrammy said...

Don't even think about not blogging. How would I stay connected, see cute pictures of the boys, and see the amazing things you create. I love the "I dressed myself" look, although it is a bit more creative for outside the house than his aunts and uncles ever chose.

Summer said...

I really like your glasses, your style, your craftiness (of which I'm quite jealous), and your son's imagination :)

Christine said...

I love your blog, please don't ever stop blogging! And don't feel bad about sharing your crafts. I love looking at other people's projects and I adore your taste and creativity. It's inspiring!

M will definitely thank you in the future for editing his wardrobe combinations. But I'm very glad you got a picture first!