Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Celebrity Morph by MyHeritage

MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celebrity


Lucy van Pelt said...

That's a tiny bit creepy. However, E is cute as a button -- as always.

Natasha said...

I ALWAYS knew you would one day give birth to a hobbit!

Every time I see Elijah Wood a siren goes off in my head. . HOBBIT, HOBBIT, HOBBIT.

We are WAY into Lost. . and the guy that plays Charley. . is that even his name? We ALWAYS refered to him as "the hobbit"

I must say that your little E is sooo much cuter than a hobbit!

Mariam said...

I think E is cuter! I have never met Elijah Wood, I am positive E has a much sweeter and cuter personality. Once you met E, you just can't get enough of him

Bek said...

Did you do it for yourself? I can't remember the name of the girl it said I looked most like. It was kinda cool, but weird.