Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year and my "one little word"

So, my resolution for next year is to have less going on so I am more available to serve others. I happen to be REALLY bad at knowing if someone needs help, and I'm trying to be better about that too. You can help me out by asking me for help if you need it and I'll try my darndest to be available. Thanks!

Oh, and I guess if I'm going to sum up my resolution in "one little word," like these people, it would be "less."


Jill Hess said...

I disagree with you! I always have thought that you are very in tune with knowing how to help! I have been the recipient of your kindness and thoughtfulness many times!! Cute picture of your family!

Jessie said...

I'm with Jill. But I sure do know what I need your help on! :)

Great word choice!