My parents took us all on a wonderful family vacation this year in celebration of my brother Riley returning from his mission. We went back to Oceanside (where we stayed last February) and stayed at a condo there. We had a great time and were able to take in a lot of sights. Here are the first few days.

Myself, C, and my sister Whit flew while the rest drove. Since it was C's first flight, I had to document!

As soon as we got there, we walked down to the beach to fly kites and play!

That night, some of us went for pedis. It was a first for DH and Riley!

The next day was Mother's day. We went out that morning and took a bunch of family pictures. We just did them ourselves with a tripod and they turned out great!

Later on we were able to take the kids to The New Children's Museum, a Children's art museum in downtown San Diego. It was a free day, but not too crowded, so we were lucky.

Wind tunnel they could jump in

These two pictures are from a workshop the boys participated in on perspective. They were given materials to create something and then were photographed so that it looked as though they were on their creation. E's is a church and M's is a catapult. We have experimented with doing it at home since then, the boys love it!

Really cool climbing wall and ropes to climb. Everything is surrounded by art by a different artist and you can read about their interpretations of the area they were given to create. It was really well done.

They LOVED doing these little chariots.

They got to help paint a giant whale with giant brushes. So funny!

After all this, I traded DH for my mom and while DH, my siblings, and my dad attended a Padres game, we went to the international houses at Balboa Park. They are only open on Sundays from 12-4, so we had never been able to visit the insides. It was really interesting. That week, it was Italy's turn to host, so they sponsored a band, food, and other displays. The music was really good, we all enjoyed "Mambo Italiano!"

The boys in front of some of their favorite houses.

We met up with the rest in Old Town and had a great Mexican dinner. Great Mother's Day!