I have been trying to blog this last week, but it hasn't been working for me, so here it finally is, although C turned 5 mos. on Sunday. I wanted to document some of his new mad skills- he has gotten more since the last update.
In no particular order, because I don't have time to order them:

He traveled on his first vacation! We enjoyed a full week in Oceanside, CA. We did a lot of fun activities in San Diego, went to Disneyland for a day, and enjoyed the beach. He was a trooper and it helped that he and I flew while the rest drove. He got his own mickey ears with his name, same size that his brothers are still wearing (the infant size is HUGE!)

The condo had only showers, so here he is in the kitchen sink- he liked it but we caught this face on film- sort of funny!

He is LOVING his exersaucer! M got it for Christmas from Grammy & Pops when he was little, and it is still going strong. 2 other neighbors have also borrowed it as well.