I know, he's only 2 1/2 months old, but he REALLY needed a haircut! His hair was weirdly long in the very front middle, and had fallen out on the sides. Plus, I liked his little fauxhawk but it was no longer possible. He wasn't really a fan, but it was quick.

The "Before"

The "during"

The fuss

The "After"
Just a few fun facts about hair:
M was just over 3 mos. when we choppped his mullet off. He had hair about like C's. He now has very straight blond hair, not particularly thick. I still mostly cut his myself, although I took him in today though because we have family pictures next week and I wanted him to look extra nice.

E was born with such thick hair, and it was lighter and more "gold" in color. It never fell out or got mullet-y or weird in the front, just always awesome. He was about 5 mos. and needed an all-over trim when we first dared cut it. He never really held still and it looked bad, I should have paid to have it done. (I do now!) He has SUCH good hair.

Nolan had the least hair of all the boys, but it was still quite thick in the back. I think all the things they taped to him pulled a lot out in the front. It was bright red like mine. Here is a shot of the top of his head.

DH is going in tonight to get his hair chopped. The blow-drying is really getting on his nerves and he has SUCH thick hair. Like, enough for 3 men's heads. I like it long, but I also like it really short. Here he is recently:

As for me, I have an appt. tomorrow for a haircut and have NO CLUE what to do. It is so "frumpy ponytail" lately. Or else "coated in spit-up" I guess that doesn't need quotes, it really is coated in spit-up. I think I need to go short yet again.
Any suggestions? I'm thinking Emma Pillsbury-ish? Those who know me know that I am a nervous wreck/already losing sleep over the picture next week and any support would be appreciated!