Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I have a little cold, an asthmatic kid with the croup, and the weather is NOT awesome for my nerve pain.

I guess I don't have anything nice to say today, but it has been a while since I said anything on here.

I guess I can say that baby C is doing really well- I had my 34 week appt. yesterday and he looks great! I am measuring (only) 2 weeks ahead so that's about as small as I can expect at this point. He is in position and his hb sounds good.

(Hopefully) only 6 more weeks!


McGinnis Family said...

Man! You and I sound like the same people almost! :-) Glad the baby is doing well and getting in position to come out and meet everyone! Hang in there!

Jill Hess said...

What can I bring you to cheer up your day?

Christine said...

I'm glad to hear the baby's doing well! But so sorry about the health woes. I'm not a big fan of winter in general, but it's just inconvenient, not making us sick. What can I do to help?

Anneke said...

If there is anything I can do, please let me know. :) I'm excited to meet your new little one.