These pictures off of my phone probably give a more accurate and comprehensive picture of the last few months than all the nice organized pictures from my camera. Much more blog-esque. This is good news, and means that I have now begun to remember to bring my cell phone places with me. (after having one for over 7 years now)

After a quadruple-haircut appointment (all of us except M)

The boys earned a jump at Kangaroo Zoo from their incentive chart

Shopping for furniture (and candy) at Gardner Village- we only came away with candy.

New Years Eve countdown to noon party!

Visiting Temple Square for Grandpa's Birthday.

Visiting the Church Museum for Grandpa's Birthday.

Aunt Whit's hot tub.

Experimenting with the science kit M got for Christmas.

The Layton lights.

M as the teacher, E as the pupil, Treehouse Museum.

Cookies and Milk with Santa party.

DH dressing as Santa for pictures at Thanksgiving Point.

Special sign we put out on Christmas Eve.

C on the way home from somewhere, fast asleep.

E in his classroom doing the rubberband station.

M at school during the first grade Pow-Wow.

Taking Christmas card Pictures with our friends.

The Christmas Light Parade, before we realized we were locked out of our car. DH had to wait out in the cold for quite a while waiting for a locksmith :(