On Saturday I guess I officially became a "soccer mom." Since I had not previously had a child participate in soccer, I technically wasn't. Not that I drive a Volvo or have a dog and drink endless coffee or diet Coke, as the case may be. I think those are the "official US soccer mom requirements," but I'm not sure.
Anyway, E picked Soccer for his sport this year (good thing, because he was too young for t-ball or anything else I know of) He is excited and loves it so far. I will admit to being a bit shocked that a child of mine actually did WELL at a sport. (M has his talents, bless his heart) He is the tallest (I know!?) and biggest of his 5 man team of 4 year olds, so that helps. He knows the rules now, too, so that will help. He is a bit timid but when he dares he can get the ball away and take it down the field (I should say "field") pretty quickly. He is pretty good at defending as well. We'll see what happens when he has to play more than 1/2 the game- he sat out 2 of the quarters this first game.
Sorry, it really sounds braggy! I am just really shocked- I have 0 sports talent so I can thank others for contributing to the DNA. Thanks guys!